Rural Development Centre Nepal has implemented Creating Spaces-To Take Action on Violence Against Woman and Girls project in support of Oxfam Nepal in close coordination and collaboration with Paroha and Ishnath Municipality with aim to reduce social issues like Child marriage, GBV, illiteracy, low girls and women participation in the community development etc.
Project Duration: February 2016 to April 2021
Funding Partner: Oxfam in Nepal
Total Staffs: 5 staffs and 23 CDC facilitators
- To strengthen engagement of key stakeholders in reducing violence against women and Girls.
- Access to support services and economic opportunities for women and girls affected by violence and child, early & forced marriage.
- Increased use of innovative knowledge including best and emerging practice and accountability systems to end VAWG.
Target Area: Paroha and Ishnath Municipality, Rautahat district

Key Achievements
- In total 337 child marriages were stopped during in the period and children were engaged in the awareness and extracurricular activities.
- In target communities, 132 drop out girls were identified and enrolled in school to continue their basic education.
- Mainstreaming 121 girls from madrasa students and out of schoolgirls were admitted to school for formal education.
- Our centers participants facilitated to 187 birth registration and 93 citizenships in support of CDCs.
- Total 1105 CDCs member learned from information system of education, read and able write their name and belonging details.
- CDC’s 19 school going girl’s member received cycle support from Ishnath and Paroha municipality in their active engagement with palika and empowerment.
- Total 65 members linked with local cooperatives and microfinance and 51 members started using family planning service including 21 Muslim women.
- Altogether 33 CDCs member received training on Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) and got support of Rs 5000 as seed money and started own business for income generation.
- Most vulnerable 92 CDCs member received goat farming support in collaboration with support of Qatar Charity for income generation.
- Total 42 CDCs participants start different business-like tea shop, roving cosmetic shop, vegetable selling in local market for income generation and supporting family.
- Total 12 domestic violence cases were facilitated and resolved in initiation of CDCs members.
- Total 9 cases of domestic violence cases reported to police and facilitated for the justice.
- 12 CDCs members received financial support from District child welfare council for fulfilment of basic need.
- In the process of project implementation, RDC Nepal received membership of Girls Not Bribes (GNB).
- Total 36 CDCs members got leadership position in different sector including federal parliament, province parliament, deputy mayor, members.
- Total 56 members from CDCs and CCs participated in different network meetings have helped them to engage in different network and platforms.
- Total 18 CDCs registered in Paroha municipality, and 27 CDCs registered in Ishnath Municipality for sustainability.
- Advocacy and lobby influenced Ishnath municipality to develop and endorse 5-year strategic plan to end child marriage.