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Hurry It’s a graduation day !!


Hurry It’s a graduation day❣️ !!

580 ( 246 from Chandrapur and 334 from Rajpur) were graduated after attending the 6-month sessions graduate only after scoring at least 65% test. The test passed students qualified to receive the “Gradation Certificate”.

24 community learning and protection center was established at Rajpur and Chandrapur municipality aiming to provide the adolescent girls and boys with practical skills and knowledge on gender equality and human rights (including child marriage related information), reproduction health, gender-based violence, nutrition, communication, decision making and negotiation skills through RUPANTARN Package. The session organized for 3 days per week (every other day of week ). It is aimed to reach 2400 girls and boys throughout the project period.

Rural Development Centre NepalIslamic Relief NepalIslamic Relief Canada

Accelerating Actions to Reduce Gender-based Violence (GARVA) project today distributed the graduation certificate to 580 adolescent girls in the project-targeted areas of Rajpur and Chandrapur municipalities, Rautahat.

👉The Social and Financial Skills of the RUPANTARAN package and the REFLECT method of Social Mapping and Analysis were contextualized and the session modules were prepared to achieve the project objective of empowering adolescent girls through weekly sessions on life skills (gender equality, gender-based violence, child marriage,) financial literacy and skills, nutrition and reproductive health. The weekly sessions were conducted at local level; Community Learning and Protection Centres (CLPC) by trained and certified Social Mobilizers and Facilitators over six months with weekly 3 sessions (2 hours).🤲

The adolescent girls after attending the 6-month sessions graduate only after scoring at least 65% on the test. The test passed students qualify to receive the “Graduation Certificate”.

The journey doesn’t end here, these graduated girls are further linked to Youth Clubs to develop and sharpen their leadership skills.✊️

GARVA project through its intervention aims to reach over 2400 adolescent girls over the period of three years


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