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Small scale irrigation support to farmers in Rautahat district


Project Period: 15 November to 30 December 2020. (45 Days)

 Increase farm household incomes and food security reducing dependency on rainfed agriculture.
 Improve crop production and livestock health of smallholder farmers by irrigation support

Process Adopted
Coordination has been done with Municipality and Rural municipality and shared the program and its objectives. Finalized the list of needy farmers group with coordination local authority. After that verification, assessment and identification of beneficiaries the project was implemented as per scheduled plan.
Major activities have done:
 Coordination with the authority of respective municipality and rural municipality
 Beneficiaries identification and assessment work has done and 6 Farmers group has formed a by RDC/ Qatar Charity project team.
 Vendor selection and agreement has done for the implementation of project as per schedule plan
 6 shallow wells for irrigation has been installed and set of 5HP disel pump and 40 kg of delivery pipes has been handed over to farmers groups.
Major Outputs:
 6 shallow tube wells installed to increase agriculture production and food security
 Reduced dependency on rainfed agriculture
 Crop production and livestock health improved
Key Issues/Challenges:

  • To full fill the demand of the community due to limited resources.
    Coordination and cooperation with Ward and Municipal level stakeholders we can achieve the goal and accomplished the activities in time.

Detailed Report: Click Here – Final report-Qatar_Charity_RDC_Nepal_2024


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