Welcome to RDC Nepal

Engagement of parliamentarian in Rupantaran Training of Trainers (TOT).

#Words of Wisdom #Encouragement#TogetherWeCan#Creating a better future by empowering adolescents through life skills training. A joint approach initiative from RDC Nepal, Rautahat & BWSN, Sarlahi...

Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

३३ औ अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय महिला हिंसा अन्त्य दिवसको अवसरमा १६ दिने अभियान अन्तर्गत BRIDGE परियोजना द्वारा आयोजित "जनचेतना मूलक ऱ्याली कार्यक्रम" ले लैङ्गिक हिंसा अन्त्यका...

Celebrating International Human rights day.

Marking the last day of the 16 day campaign against GENDER -BASED VIOLENCE celebrating international Human rights day by organizing the district level Rally...

Flood Response in Rautahat supported by Oxfam in Nepal

100 Flood affected families supported by RDC with Food materials and Hygiene Kit in support of Oxfam in Nepal With generous support from Oxfam in...

Flood Victims Supported in Rautahat by Islamic Relief Nepal

1300 Flood Victims Families supported with Consumption Support in Rajpur and Chandrapur Municipality Islamic Relief and RDC Nepal is on ground responding... as heavy rainfall...

Flood-Affected Families supported by World Vision International Nepal

382 Flood-Affected Families of 2081 supported in Madhav Narayan Municipality Under the Support of the Start Fund Nepal, World Vision International Nepal, and Rural Development...

विश्व आत्महत्या रोकथाम दिवस, २०२४ नाराको साथ दिवस मनाइयो|

विश्व आत्महत्या रोकथाम दिवस, २०२४ को सन्दर्भमा आज आयोजित समुदायमा संवाद ,बालक्लब संग अन्तरक्रिया र रैली कार्यक्रम राजपुर र चंद्रपुर नगरपालिकामा भब्य साथ कार्यक्रम...

RDC Nepal Documentary by Nepal NTV Plus

Rural Development Centre (RDC) Nepal is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit making organization established in June 2002 with its headquarters in Rautahat District of...

Small scale irrigation support to farmers in Rautahat district

Project Period: 15 November to 30 December 2020. (45 Days) Objectives: Increase farm household incomes and food security reducing dependency on rainfed agriculture. Improve crop...

बाल अधिकार तथा बाल संरक्षणबारे क्षमता अभिवृद्धी तालिम सञ्चालन

मिति २०८१/०४/२९ र ३० गतेका दिन राष्ट्रिय बाल अधिकार परिषदको सहजीकरण, गुजरा नगरपालिका, रौतहटको समन्वय तथा सहकार्य र ग्रमीण विकास केन्द्र नेपाल (RDC Nepal)...

बाल अधिकार सम्बन्धी २ दिने नीति तथा कार्ययोजना सञ्चालन

मिति २०८१/०४/७ र ८ गतेका दिन राष्ट्रिय बाल अधिकार परिषदको सहजीकरण, गुजरा नगरपालिका, रौतहटको समन्वय तथा सहकार्य र ग्रमीण विकास केन्द्र नेपाल (RDC Nepal)...

Hurry It’s a graduation day !!

Hurry It's a graduation day !! 580 ( 246 from Chandrapur and 334 from Rajpur) were graduated after attending the 6-month sessions graduate only after...

Items supported for fresh house business

21 Rightsholders were supported with items required to establish/ scale up the fresh house business under Accelerating Actions to Reduce Gender Based Violence GARVA...

One step more for nature conservation

On the occasion of National Forest Conservation Day, 540 saplings were planted at Sakhuwani Community Forest, Chandrapur-2, Judibela. Climate Change Adaptation and Advocacy Project...

Empowering Lives Through Assistive Devices

We are proud to announce that RDC Nepal in partnership with World Vision has successfully completed the distribution of life-changing assistive devices to individuals...