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Safe Water


Project Title: Safe Water for Poor Rural Community of Southern Terai

Funding Agency: Oxfam in Nepal/PDJ

Project Period: Jan 2018 to Dec 2021

Target Area: Fatuha Maheshpur, Ward no. 2, Rajpur Municipality of Rautahat district


In Nepal, about 83% of people have their access to safe drinking water. Against this national average, drinking water facilities of the Rautahat district is not adequate as potable and safe. Both community and private source of drinking water i.e. dug wells and tube wells exist in the community, but the dug wells are open, and the tube well possess neither adequate depth nor a concrete plate form. Those who cannot afford for a tube well have to rely up on neighbours for collection water for drinking and domestic purpose.

RDC Nepal has been implementing a project entitled “Safe Water for Poor Rural Community of Southern Terai (Safe Water Project)” in Rajpur Municipality-02, Fatuha Maheshpur of Rautahat district with the aim to provide clean and safe drinking water to the communities through use of deep bore extraction of water to overhead tank distributed through a piped network.

Fatuha Maheshpur was declared as open defecation free, but the weak condition is evidenced by the existence of sanitation latrines. As a results, open defecation is still in practice. Still people need to have knowledge and skills about waste management and handling drinking water safely. This situation has been contributing for increased incident of communicable and waterborne diseases.

Safe water is becoming less political priority despite community is facing substantial loss in lives and livelihoods due to epidemics. Water induced disaster like epidemics is the major devastating phenomenon reported frequently in this location. This intervention will improve the lives of communities of Fatuha Mahespur in terms of health and sanitation. It will increase safe water coverage in Nepal and will contribute to the goal of nationally achieving SDG 6 in the country. It will also support Nepal’s National Sanitation Master Plan, which calls for improvement in access to safer water in rural communities.


The objective of the project is to provide clean and safe drinking water to 7000 plus people in the Fatuha Maheshpur communities by replacing around 600 contaminated shallow tube wells.

Target Groups:

The total population of Fatuha Maheshpur are the target group of the project.


This Project is designed into three phase. In first phase, a technical assessment for specific design (Hydro-geological survey & design survey) of the water system infrastructure, Initial scoping study and market chain analysis which will form the basis of developing a sustainable management system, linking local cooperatives, private sector and other stakeholders in the formation of the Water Service Provider (the local private enterprise) that will take long term responsibility for the overall operation and maintenance of the scheme.

RDC Conduct a detailed baseline survey and study the existing context to clearly establish water issues at a household level, categories the most economically disadvantaged population through socio-economic analysis, and establish communities’ willingness to provide in-kind and cash (tariff) contribution to the implementation of the new water system as this will be a key component of ensuring community ownership.

Water User Committees (WUCs) (groups of 11 community members who represent the voice and concerns of all the water users in the project area) was formed and registration process is ongoing in the District Water Resource Committee. The Water User Committees have 4 female representation and include Dalits and marginalized groups in decision-making positions. We will liaise with the Municipality in every stage so the project is included in local plans, ensuring full ownership from the local body.

Design, management model and establishment of water user committees is running from signing the project. For this, Completion of the design and finalization of a Design and Estimate report on Water Supply Scheme. The Steering Committee has approved the design and construction plan for the water supplies. The Steering Committee has approved the Cost and Management system. RDC will call bid notice to interested contractor, selected contractor will construct the full water supply system at Fatuha Maheshpur.

Expected Output: 

The results expected from the project are:

  • Increased access of communities, focusing on the poor and marginalized, in particular women and girls, and institutions (schools and health posts) to safe, adequate and sustainable clean water.
  • Improved awareness and ability of community and institutional Water User Committees on construction, operation and maintenance of the water supply systems,
  • Increased awareness and ability of the communities, in particular women and girls, and institutions (school and health posts) to monitor and maintain improved sanitation services,
  • Increased knowledge of improved hygiene practices by the households and institutions. Enhanced sustainability of the water system (both its technical components and institutional components) through capacity building of water user committees, water service provider and regular engagement with the local government.
  • Provide clean and safe drinking water to 7,000 people in the Fatuha Maheshpur communities by replacing 600 contaminated shallow tube wells with a single, robust, hybrid-powered water system for improved reliability, affordability, and water quality. The system will provide a consistent and reliable water supply at household level and in community buildings (school, health post), with a functionality rate of at least 95% in each annual period. The project will cover all Dalit  and indigenous households (HH) in the area  
  • To ensure sustainability of the system, a  Water Service Provider (WSP) will be established as a local community-based enterprise to operate and maintain the water system as a financially viable and accountable enterprise, with full cost recovery of operating, repairing and specific units replacement cost expenses (OPEX) while maintaining affordability of water (no more than 5% of HH income).
  • Improve communities’ hygiene behavior through awareness and sensitization.

Key Output:

  • Water User Committee has formed, and they are engaging in the Water Supply Scheme construction, Household tap connection fees collection, advocacy of safe water use, municipal level coordination and communication and community mobilization activities.
  • 300 cubic meter capacity overhead tank (OHT) constructed and is ready to supply water.
  • 2 bore hole of depth 196 and 198 meter respectively done and submersible pumps were installed for water pumping to OHT.
  • A guard house constructed for water supply scheme office administration and guard stay.
  • Two Pump house constructed for the water pump safety and security.
  • Boundary wall and fencing work to protect water supply scheme.
  • Pipeline networks layout work ongoing for 6 communities (approximately 13 km).
  • Total sanitation campaign and promotion of economic empowerment of vulnerable communities.
  • Electrification tender process has been completed.
  • Advocacy and awareness activities is ongoing on homestead gardening, waste management, total sanitation, menstrual hygiene etc.
  • Total 7000 people of Fatuha Maheshpur will be benefited from the scheme.

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